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Property Manager | How Great Property Managers Embrace Technology (Scott Properties)

Property Manager | How Great Property Managers Embrace Technology

Property Manager | The 21st century is all about technology. We carry the internet with us in our pockets everywhere we go and can connect with people all over the world. This also means that more information than ever is available online and people are going to the internet first to find new places to live. If you’re a property manager who hasn’t embraced using technology in your business, you need to check out these easy ways to embrace technology and get vacancies filled faster than ever. 

Paperless is More Efficient- When you can store files electronically and offer online payments and maintenance requests, you reduce the number of expenses you have related to printing, paper, and storage of all those loose documents. You can also find documents more conveniently when they are stored online. 

Social Media- There is no debating that social media advertising is where it’s at when it comes to advertising and reaching consumers. Every proper manager should agree that reaching prospective tenants is easy via social media, and many of their best leads are generated through targeted advertising on these platforms. 

Property Management Software- A property manager that isn’t utilizing a property management software is missing out on a world where efficiency dominates. Property management software allows you to track which homes are vacant, when they will be ready, compile all your tenant information, streamline your leads onto one platform, use intranet-based communications with staff, and process maintenance requests. 

Video Tours- Life is busy, and renters can’t always take time off to tour properties during your office hours. A property manager also shouldn’t waste time showing someone a home that doesn’t meet that renters need or wants. Virtual tours that renters can access online to see what a home looks like allows renters who aren’t interested to keep looking elsewhere, and those that are serious will book an appointment for a closer look. 

If you aren’t ready to dive into embracing technology but want to hire a property manager who is already technology pron, give Scott Properties a call at 843-352-8341. 

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