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Midlands Property Management | Social Media and Your Midlands Property Management Company  (Scott Properties)

Midlands Property Management | Social Media and Your Midlands Property Management Company 

Midlands property management is a competitive business. There are dozens of people moving to the Midlands metro area every day and these folks are looking for places to rent while they are starting careers and families, but you have to be able to connect with them if you want them to consider your rental properties. One of the best ways to connect with prospective tenants, and current renters, is to use social media for business, and there are several reasons why. 

  1. Advertising- A Midlands property management company has to advertise their properties; otherwise, no one would know they were for rent. Social media advertising is the best way to target specific demographics or keywords to find qualifying tenants. There are easy social media management tools that make posting to social media easy and convenient. 
  2. Bring Value to Your Business- Tenants and residents in the neighborhoods where you have homes for rent should want to follow you on social media to be in the know about local events. Midlands property management should be the first ones to hear about special events, road closures, town ordinances, and other news. When you can relay this information to your tenants and how them you are invested in the communities, they are more likely to refer you to friends and family for their Midlands property management needs. Your current tenants will also appreciate being able to check a Facebook page and find out when inspections are happening to properties or any rent specials being offered. 
  3. Generate Leads- Social media platforms like Twitter are becoming the best way to reach renters and generate leads due to search functions that allow Midlands property management companies to search for keywords like “moving out.” This super specific targeting can only be done through social media. 

Are you looking for a Midlands property management company that understands how to take advantage of social media? Give Scott Properties a call at 843-352-8341. 

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Midlands Property Management | Increase Curb Appeal for High-End Rental Homes (Scott Properties)

Midlands Property Management | Increase Curb Appeal for High-End Rental Homes 

Midlands Property Management | When you’re renting your high-end home in an upscale neighborhood in the Midlands area, one of the most important things you need to keep in mind is a great curb appeal. When people are paying thousands of dollars to live in your home, they expect a well-maintained property with excellent curb appeal. When you show your home to prospective tenants in an upscale neighborhood, they will know as soon as they step foot on the property if they can see themselves living there. Here are a few tips from Midlands property management on increasing your curb appeal for high-end rental homes:

  1. Clean it Up- If the rental home hasn’t had a good deep cleaning inside and out, now is the time. Power washes the siding, clean out the gutters, trim the bushes, pick up sticks and branches, update the landscaping, mow the yard, and clean off the driveway and walkways of debris. This will make an immediate impact on the curb appeal of your rental home. 
  2. Add Accents- Add bright shutters, paint the door blue, add color to the trim, or talk to Midlands property management companies about what the current trends are for unique curb appeal and home aesthetics in Midlands. 
  3. Modern Light Fixtures- Exterior light fixtures may seem like a small outdoor accessory, but they can make a significant impact on your curb appeal according to Midlands property management companies. Use modern light fixtures, add lights to your drive or walkways, hang pendant lights from your covered porch to make a great statement. 
  4. Small Updates- You’d be surprised at how much of a difference it can make when Midlands property management updates the little things on an upscale rental property. A brand-new mailbox, a beautiful garden bench, planters with colorful flowers, or a new and healthy tree can make a huge difference in curb appeal. 

Midlands property management like Scott Properties has the best know-how on keeping curb appeal on your rental home high. Call today to see how Scott Properties can manage your home at 843-352-8341. 

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Rental Property Management in Midlands | How to Market to Generation Z Renters (Scott Properties)

Rental Property Management in Midlands | How to Market to Generation Z Renters

Rental Property Management in Midlands | Millennials are transitioning into home ownership and investing in their portfolios of the property while Generation Z is going to or graduating from college and looking for homes to rent. Generation Z isn’t like previous generations though, and marketing to these tech-savvy, frugal, and conscientious renters requires a different approach than you may be accustomed to. Rental property management in Midlands, where dozens of young people are moving daily, need to ensure they follow these strategies to connecting with the next generation of renters. 

  1. Social Media Marketing- Getting a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and Pinterest account for your rental property management in Midlands is vital to reaching Generation Z. Many people in this generation use apps like Facebook Messenger to communicate rather than use their texting or calling on cell phones. 
  2. Video Content- Generation Z is all about the video content and would much rather watch a virtual tour than read through a list of amenities. Providing video content for social media also means that tenants and prospects can share your content with their friends and family, which is free advertising for your rental property management in Midlands. 
  3. Don’t Inflate Prices- Generation Z watched their parents and aunts and uncles struggle through the Great Recession and, while they are more entrepreneurial than other generations, they are also much more frugal. Generation Z wants value in what they pay for, and if they don’t see the value, they won’t even consider your home for rent. 
  4. Go Digital- Generation Z doesn’t want to come into the office to pay rent every month. They don’t even own a checkbook. This generation of renters wants to pay rent online, and while you’re setting up an online portal for rent, you should also allow online maintenance requests. Generation Z also prefers to communicate digitally and will be more likely to ask you to text than call, so ensure that your rental property management in Midlands understands and is comfortable with this. 

Do you need help with your marketing techniques targeting generation Z? Give Scott Properties a call at 843-352-8341. 

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Property Manager | How Great Property Managers Embrace Technology (Scott Properties)

Property Manager | How Great Property Managers Embrace Technology

Property Manager | The 21st century is all about technology. We carry the internet with us in our pockets everywhere we go and can connect with people all over the world. This also means that more information than ever is available online and people are going to the internet first to find new places to live. If you’re a property manager who hasn’t embraced using technology in your business, you need to check out these easy ways to embrace technology and get vacancies filled faster than ever. 

Paperless is More Efficient- When you can store files electronically and offer online payments and maintenance requests, you reduce the number of expenses you have related to printing, paper, and storage of all those loose documents. You can also find documents more conveniently when they are stored online. 

Social Media- There is no debating that social media advertising is where it’s at when it comes to advertising and reaching consumers. Every proper manager should agree that reaching prospective tenants is easy via social media, and many of their best leads are generated through targeted advertising on these platforms. 

Property Management Software- A property manager that isn’t utilizing a property management software is missing out on a world where efficiency dominates. Property management software allows you to track which homes are vacant, when they will be ready, compile all your tenant information, streamline your leads onto one platform, use intranet-based communications with staff, and process maintenance requests. 

Video Tours- Life is busy, and renters can’t always take time off to tour properties during your office hours. A property manager also shouldn’t waste time showing someone a home that doesn’t meet that renters need or wants. Virtual tours that renters can access online to see what a home looks like allows renters who aren’t interested to keep looking elsewhere, and those that are serious will book an appointment for a closer look. 

If you aren’t ready to dive into embracing technology but want to hire a property manager who is already technology pron, give Scott Properties a call at 843-352-8341. 

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